Financial Risks Mitigated with Credit Card Ban


The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) has imposed a ban on using credit for gambling to ensure financial system stability and tackle gambling addiction in the country. This ban applies to all forms of gambling in Ukraine.


The NBU aims to reduce financial risks associated with overspending in online casinos and betting platforms by prohibiting gambling with borrowed funds.

Recent Developments:

  • In response to increasing gambling addiction among Ukrainian military personnel, President Volodymyr Zelensky ordered an investigation into the country’s gambling issues.
  • Following a soldier’s public disclosure of soldiers spending their earnings on gambling due to stress, 2,500 unlicensed gambling sites in Ukraine were shut down.
  • Due to regulatory and administrative challenges, the national regulatory body KRAIL has been dissolved.


The effectiveness of the credit card ban imposed by the NBU in curbing gambling addiction in Ukraine remains to be seen.